
Web site:
Category: Games
Sub-Category: Arcade
Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows
License: GNU GPL
Interface: GUI
First release: 1998

GLtron – a tron-like lightcycle game with a nice 3D perspective. The first version of GLtron (0.1) was written on a rainy afternoon in June 1998, as an exercise for the computer graphics course at the university

gltron is released under the GPL (GNU General Public License) which basically means that you are free to modify and redistribute it, as long as you make the source code freely available.

The current CVS build (0.59) relies on Glut (3.7) or SDL (1.1) for the window management and libmikmod or SDL_mixer for the sound output. libmikmod does not support very low latency mixing, so for FX playing along with the music you need SDL_mixer.

These functions are incapsulated in system_sdl.c or system_glut.c and sound_sdl.c or sound_libmikmod.c. sound.c and system.c are symlinks to the respective system dependent files. The same goes for the header files.

gltron has several modes, each has his own set of callbacks;
– gui – the menu interface
– pause – the game screen is displayed, the game is paused
– game – the game is running

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