
Web site: github.com/stardot/jsbeeb
Category: Machine Emulators
Platform: Cross-platform
License: GNU GPL
Interface: Web-interface
First release: 2011

jsbeeb – a BBC Micro emulator in Javascript. Runs on Firefox, Chrome and Microsoft Edge. Emulates a 32K BBC B (with sideways RAM) and a 128K BBC Master. The BBC had a somewhat different-looking keyboard to a modern PC

The BBC Microcomputer System, or BBC Micro, is a series of microcomputers designed and built by Acorn Computers Limited in the 1980s for the Computer Literacy Project of the BBC.

jsbeeb uses node and webpack to afford me simple and standard web development tooling and third party library access without lots of painful copy/paste or wheel-reinventing, as well as the ability to better run tests, and “pack” up the site to make it smaller and faster to load when it’s deployed to bbc.godbolt.org.

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