
Last Updated on: 7th January 2024, 11:42 am

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Category: Others
Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows
License: GNU GPL
Interface: GUI
First release: 2005

ChessX – a free and open source chess database application for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. ChessX allows you to manage your chess game collection in many ways: view, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc.

– Multi-platform. It supports Windows, Linux and Mac OS X
– Load and save PGN files
– Work with multiple databases simultaneously
– Browse chess games, including variations
– Enter moves, variations, and comments
– Setup board, copy/paste FEN
– Search in databases for text or positions
– Display tree of moves for the current position
– Analyze using UCI and Winboard/Xboard chess engines
– Prepare for openings or opponents

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