Free Tennis

Web site:
Category: Games
Sub-Category: Sport, Simulation
Platform: Linux, Windows
License: GNU GPL
Interface: GUI
First release: unknown

Free Tennis – a free software tennis simulation game. The game can be played against an A.I. or human-vs-human via LAN or internet.

This is a tennis simulation, not an arcade. You play with the mouse and five keys. Five keys may seem overwhelming, but you can play very well with no keys at all! The keys are meant for experts (e.g. to change the shot height, to sprint, to dive, to do backspin), and can be learned to use gradually. The five keys are X, Z, D (on the keyboard) plus the two mouse buttons.

Currently, you can choose among 3 players: Pete, Mats and Ivan. The following descriptions are only valid if you enable the “-realistic” flag (see below):
– Ivan. Powerful groundstrokes. Heavy topspin (curved parabola) and therefore good angles. Fast. Weak at volee.
– Mats. Not powerful but very precise groundstrokes. Very heavy topspin (curved parabola) and therefore very good angles. Very fast. Average at volee.
– Pete. Powerful at groundstrokes, but not precise. Flat strokes (flat parabola). Average speed. Very precise at volee.

Playing human vs computer: This is the default. You don’t need to pass any special option to start a human-vs-computer match. Only, remember that player 0 is the human, player 1 is the computer.

The last version of Free Tennis 0.4.8 was released in 2005.

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