iPod Tetris

Web site:
Category: Games
Sub-Category: Puzzle
Platform: iPod
License: Proprietary
Interface: GUI
First release: 2006

iPod Tetris – a licensed Tetris game compatible with the fifth generation iPod, iPod classic, and third and fourth generation iPod nano. It is of note that this game breaks some of the Tetris Company’s guidelines, the largest difference being the lack of a hold function.

– Rotate touch wheel: Shift sideways
– Prev: Rotate counterclockwise
– Next: Rotate clockwise
– Center Button: Soft drop
– Play/Pause: Hard drop
– Menu Button: Pause
– ARE: No, however there is a short period after the piece enters the playfield where the game ignores player input.
– Initial: no
– Hold: no
– T-spin bonus: yes
– T-spin detection: 3-corner T no kick
– Back-to-back bonus: Tetris only, not T-spin

The iPod Tetris screenshot source: tetris.wiki; License: Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)

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