
Last Updated on: 23rd December 2023, 01:42 pm

Web site:
Category: Emulators
Platform: Linux, Windows
License: GNU GPL
Interface: GUI
First release: 2003

Gens/GS – a Sega Genesis, Sega CD, and Sega 32X emulator.

Gens/GS r7 is David Korth’s fork of Gens, initially based on Gens for Linux v2.15.2. The number after the “r” indicates the Gens/GS release. Releases are usually made after a significant new feature has been added, with minor releases if a major bug is found.

Short History of Gens/GS (mostly taken from the Gens for Linux readme)

Stephane Dallongeville is the author of Gens (Windows version). Caz has made a BeOS port, using Allegro. But this port was command line oriented. And though Allegro is a great library, its GUI part is … well … rather ugly.

Thus, I (Stephane Akhoun) wanted to use GTK+ for the GUI. But as mixing Allegro and GTK+ events loop was a bit of challenge (though possible) I decided to switch to SDL. Fortunately, it was very easy (only 2 function calls to change !).

Finally, in the port process, my main work is the GTK+ GUI, and some work here and there. Caz ported the gens core : I wanted to thank him/her one more time for his/her pieces of advice.

Thanks also for Lester Barrows (aryarya) and El Pelos (wah wah 69) for their contribution, patches, joystick support, … For all users that helped and help us in the porting process : thank you very much !

Gens/GS picks up where Gens for Linux left off. Among other things, it integrates the Windows version into the same codebase. See the ChangeLog file for a comprehensive version history of Gens/GS.

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