

Web site: Category: Games Sub-Category: Puzzle Platform: Linux License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: 2008 FreeAlchemist – a figure block game written in Python where you have to connect blocks. The three or more blocks connected with the same shape will be replaced by a block with a different shape. Download FreeAlchemist



Web site: Category: Emulators Platform: Linux, BeOS, BSD, Unix-like, Windows License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: 2013 Handy/SDL – an Atari Lynx Emulator for Unix-like and Windows 32 operating system. It is a port of Handy emulator by SDLEMU and is based upon the original work by Keith Wilkins, and was released … Read more

Four in a Row

four in a row

Web site: Category: Games Sub-Category: Puzzle Platform: Linux License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: unknown Four in a Row – the objective of Four-in-a-row is to build a line of four of your marbles while trying to stop your opponent (human or computer) building a line of his or her own. A … Read more



Web site: | Category: Games Sub-Category: Simulation Platform: Linux, Windows License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: FooBillard++ First release: 2002 (FooBillard) FooBillard++ – an advanced 3D OpenGL billiard game based on the original foobillard 3.0a sources from Florian Berger. You can play it with one or two players or against the computer. It … Read more

Fast Light Toolkit

fast light toolkit

Web site: Category: Others Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows, Unix-like License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: March 1998 Fast Light Toolkit – a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit for UNIX®/Linux® (X11), Microsoft® Windows®, and macOS®. FLTK provides modern GUI functionality without the bloat and supports 3D graphics via OpenGL® and its built-in GLUT … Read more

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