Fast Light Toolkit

fast light toolkit

Web site: Category: Others Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows, Unix-like License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: March 1998 Fast Light Toolkit – a cross-platform C++ GUI toolkit for UNIX®/Linux® (X11), Microsoft® Windows®, and macOS®. FLTK provides modern GUI functionality without the bloat and supports 3D graphics via OpenGL® and its built-in GLUT … Read more



Web site: Category: Others Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows License: MIT Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: 1996 Etoys – a media-rich model, simulation construction kit and authoring tool. Squeak Etoys was inspired by LOGO, PARC-Smalltalk, Hypercard, and starLOGO. It is a media-rich authoring environment with a simple powerful scripted object model for many kinds … Read more



Web site: Category: Others Platform: Linux License: unknown (open-source) Interface: CLI Wikipedia: First release: October 21, 2016 CrazyWa – an AI engine for several variants of Shogi (Japanese chess), and some variants of Chess. CrazyWa is a program that plays several shogi and chess variants with piece drops, on boards of sizes up to … Read more



Web site: Category: Others Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: 2005 ChessX – a free and open source chess database application for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. ChessX allows you to manage your chess game collection in many ways: view, edit, add, organize, analyze, etc. Features: … Read more



Web site: Category: Others Platform: Android License: unknown Interface: CLI Wikipedia: Columbia_Cycada First release: unknown Cycada (previously: Cider) – a compatibility layer that allows run applications designed for iOS on the Android operating system. Cycada is an operating system compatibility architecture that can run applications built for different mobile ecosystems, iOS or Android, together … Read more

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