
Last Updated on: 21st December 2023, 02:33 pm

Web site:
Category: Emulators
Platform: BSD, Linux, OS X, UNIX-like, Windows
License: GNU GPL
Interface: GUI
First release: 2007

Gambatte – a portable, open-source Game Boy Color emulator.

The core emulation code is contained in a separate library backend (libgambatte) written in platform-independent C++. There is currently a Qt GUI
frontend (gambatte_qt), and a simplistic command-line interface SDL frontend (gambatte_sdl).

The Qt frontend has been ported to Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux/BSD/Unix-like OSes with audio/video engines utilizing native APIs on these platforms.

The SDL frontend should be usable on all platforms with a working SDL port. It should also be quite trivial to create new (simple) frontends (note that the library API should in no way be considered stable).

You will have to supply Gambatte with a ROM image file of the GB/GBC program/game you would like to run/play, either as a command line argument, or
through the File->Open… menu in gambatte_qt.

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