
Last Updated on: 27th December 2023, 06:42 pm

Web site: gxmame.sourceforge.net
Category: Emulators
Platform: Linux, Windows
License: GNU GPL
Interface: GUI
First release: May 7, 2002

GXMame – a frontend for XMame using the GTK library, the goal is to provide the same GUI than mame32. For the moment it will just have the same gui, the final goal is to be able to share config files with Mame32k (or any version of mame32 that write config files instead of saving data into windows registry) allowing dual booter to have the same environment (favorite, timeplayed, last game selected, gui preference…) under windows and Linux.

GXMame features common with mame32:
– Detailed view
– Small icons view
– Indented view (shows clones games under the original one)
– Font color and size selectable
– Icons support, .ico files or a zipped archive from Mame or Mame32QA
– Tools bar
– Folder(filter) panel
– Screenshot panel
– Display snapshots, Flyers, Marquees, Cabinets, Titles.
– Support of zipped pictures
– Display mameinfo and history
– Status bar
– Support of catver to sort games by version and categories
– Random game selection
– Quick check: only check if a romname.zip file exist in roms folder (also works with clones)
– Audit of all roms
– Window with the properties of all games
– Audit of a single game
– Popup menu to easily access to most used functions
– Preferences for games(global and specific)
– Joystick support (new 386 1.x.x linux driver only)
– and some others…

GXMame Features:
– Creation of gamelist from xmame
– Multiples executables support
– Scalable icons
– Additional options string

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