

Web site: www.dxx-rebirth.com Category: Games Sub-Category: FPS Platform: Linux, Unix-like, BSD, Windows License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: DXX-Rebirth First release: 2005 DXX-Rebirth – a 3D first person shooter that takes place in the distant future. The PTMC (Post Terran Mining Corporation) owns a lot of mines, spread all over planets in our solar system. … Read more



Web site: plauncher.sourceforge.net Category: Emulators Platform: Linux License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: November 4, 2000 pLauncher – a multi-emulator front-end. It is very configurable and supports every emulator. pLauncher is a front-end (for Linux) to launch emulators with their roms. It is written in Perl and is licensed under the GPL. The … Read more



Web site: lvogel.free.fr/stonc.htm Category: Machine Emulators Platform: Linux, Unix-like License: GNU GPL Interface: CLI Wikipedia: First release: 2000 StonC – a variant of STonX to Curses, the Atari ST emulator for Unix/X. Unlike other emulators intended to run either modern GEM programs, or old ST games, STonC is intended to run operating systems like Minix … Read more



Web site: cytadela.sourceforge.net Category: Games Sub-Category: FPS Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: 2006 Cytadela – an old-school first person shooter video game. The game is a FPS where you control a soldier on a remote and hostile planet. The goal of the game is to find six … Read more



Web site: www.karimmi.de/cuyo/ Category: Games Sub-Category: Puzzle Platform: Linux License: GNU GPL Interface: GUI Wikipedia: First release: 2001 Cuyo – a Tetris-like game with very impressive effects. Cuyo, named after a Spanish relative adjective, shares with tetris that things fall down and how to navigate them. When enough “of the same type” come “together”, they … Read more

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