Altair 8800 Simulator

Last Updated on: 31st December 2023, 12:28 pm

Web site: (not active)
Category: Machine Emulators
Platform: Linux, OS X, Windows, Zaurus
License: BSD ?
Interface: CLI
First release: 1993

Altair 8800 Simulator – a part of the SIMH family of simulators currently at version 3.8-0. SIMH is a highly portable, multi-system simulator.

The Altair 8800 is considered the first personal computer, and indirectly contributed to the founding of Microsoft. On December 19, 1974, a kit for self-assembly was released.

SIMH implements simulators for:
– Data General Nova, Eclipse
– Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-1, PDP-4, PDP-7, PDP-8, PDP-9, PDP-10, PDP-11, PDP-15, VAX
– GRI Corporation GRI-909, GRI-99
– IBM 1401, 1620, 1130, 7090/7094, System 3
– Interdata (Perkin-Elmer) 16b and 32b systems
– Hewlett-Packard 2114, 2115, 2116, 2100, 21MX, 1000
– Honeywell H316/H516
– MITS Altair 8800, with both 8080 and Z80
– Royal-Mcbee LGP-30, LGP-21
– Scientific Data Systems SDS 940

Unlike a real Altair 8800 it features several enhancements:
– Choice of processor (8080 CPU, Z80 CPU or 8086 CPU)
– Optional banked memory (16 banks with 64 Kbyte)
– MMU supporting ROM and memory mapped I/O
– Optional hard drive support for additional storage capacity
– Networking support via TCP/IP for client/server systems
– Support for multiple consoles
– Timer and keyboard generated interrupts
– Various devices for Northstar, Vector Graphic and CompuPro
– Ability to set the clock speed for “real-time” simulation (useful for games)

Original code published in 1993-2008, written by Robert M Supnik.

The screenshot source: Wikimedia, author: Todd Dailey, License: CC BY-SA 2.0.

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