Last Updated on: 23rd December 2023, 11:39 am

Web site: ximwix.net/boneyard/design19/xb/texthooker.htm
Category: Emulators
Platform: Windows, UNIX-like
License: GNU GPL
Interface: GUI
First release: 2005

FCEUXDSP-CE (Champion Edition) – a branch of XDSP that adds a text hooker tool. FCEUXD SP is a NES Emulator based on the source code of FCE Ultra eXtended-Debug 1.0a. It’s only goal is to improve the debugging experience of NES roms.

The most important feature (at least for me) that was introduced in FCEUXD SP is symbolic debugging. With this new feature it’s possible to rename addresses in the disassembly window (like $C022) to easily understandable names (like AddHealthpoints). It’s also possible to add comments to lines
in the disassembly window.

This programs adds functionality to FCEudxSP that allows the user to highlight text from the game screen and copy it into a text window. Its intended purpose is to allow people with minimal rom hacking knowledge (enough to know how to make a table) to play through Japanese games without needing a full-blown translation.

– Display active parts of nametable with correct pallette
– Allow tile-by-tile selection
– Allow user to save/load selections
– Allow user to load table files
– Allow user to save table files
– Allow user to hook text from the game into a text window
– Handle tenten and maru marks
– Translate hooked text via internet translators
– Automatically hook/translate selected text as it changes
– Allow user to define custom definitions

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